


School of Engineering

Cochin University of Science and Technology
Kochi - 682022, Kerala, India


Dr. Subha Vishnudas, Professor in Civil Engineering, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Cochin, Kerala, India. She graduated in Civil Engineering in the year 1991 and took Masters in 1995 from Kerala, India. She pursued PhD from Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands in 2006. She has about 25 years of teaching and research experience and has around 85 publications in international journals and conferences. She has visited several countries like USA, Germany, Australia, Japan, Netherlands, Spain, etc for papers presentation and invited talks. She is a member in several professional bodies in India and abroad. About 10 PhD research scholars are working under her guidance. Her area of interest include water resources, building materials, water management, waste management, Housing & green buildings , Sustainable development in Civil Engineering.

Publons :
Scopus : Scopus :
Google Scholar :

  • Effect of coir fiber reinforcement on flexural and compressive strengths of masonry mortar, , Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, , American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Vol. 35, 2023

  • Optimizing among Analytical Hierarchy Process, Influencing Factor Method, and Frequency Ratio Model in the Determination of Groundwater Potential Zones,, Civil Engineering and Architecture, , Vol. 12, 2023

  • Experimental investigation on acoustic performance of coir fiber and rice husk acoustic panels, Applied Acoustics, Vol. 204, 2023

  • Comparative Study of Mathematical Models for the Strength of Bacterial Concrete Using Multiple Regression Analysis and Artificial Neural Network",, SSRG International Journal of Civil Engineering, , Vol. 10, 2023

  • Lignocellulosic materials as reinforcement and replacement for binders in masonry mortar, , Journal of Construction and Building Materials,, Elsevier Vol. 282, 2021

  • Strength, Sorptivity and shrinkage characteristics of cow dung stabilized mud mortar, , materials Today Proceedings, Materials Today: Proceedings,, Elseiver Vol. 32, 2020

  • Ecological Footprint And Waste Footprint of Kochi City, India–A Combined Analysis, Volume 44, Number 4, The Journal of Solid Waste Technology and Management,, Vol. 44, 2018

  • Policies and Strategies for Sustainable Solid Waste Management in Urban Residential Areas – A Case Study of Kochi City, Kerala, India, , International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET),, 2017

  • Comparison of Frequency Ratio Method and AHP techniques in identification of groundwater potential zone, Virtual International Conference on Innovative Trends in Hydrological and Environmental Systems (ITHES-2021, 2021

  • Flood Hazard Mapping using Geographical Information System (GIS) and Analytical Hierarchy Process(AHP), Virtual conference on Disaster Risk Reduction, Virtual Conference on DISASTER RISK REDUCTION. Civil Engineering for a Disaster Resilient, 2021

  • Planning and design of storm water drainage system in a town, - a case study in Ernakulam district, Virtual conference on Disaster Risk Reduction, VCDRR , Kerala,, 2021

  • Novel Statistical Approach for Infiltration Model Analysis,, National Conference on Advanced Modelling and Innovations in Water Resources Engineering, 20 - 21 February 2021(AMIWRE – 2021),, 2021

  • Reinforced Binder Based Masonry Mortar For Ceiling And Inside Wall Plastering, 9th International Seminar on Coir, organised by NCRMI, Government of Kerala,, 2021

  • Flood Risk Assessment Methods—A Review, Current Trends in Civil Engineering. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering,, Vol. 104 , 0, 2021

  • Sustainability Assessment of Terracotta Tile Waste Based Geopolymer Building Block, Proceedings of SECON 2020. SECON 2020. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering,, Vol. 97 , 0, 2021

  • Coir Reinforced Binder For Conventional Mortar, National Seminar on Innovations in Coir, 8th International Seminar on Coir, organised by NCRMI, Government of Kerala, , 2019

  • Relationship between the modulus of elasticity and characteristic compressive strength of B. subtilis impregnated concrete, Civil Engineering Advancements for Sustainable Infrastructure Development and Environment, Proceedings of the International Conference in Emerging Trends in Engineering, Science and Technology (ICETEST 2018), 2018

  • Dr. SUBHA V, Sustainable Watershed Management Illusion or Reality, a case of Kerala State in India, , Eburon Academic Publishers,The Netherlands. ., 2006 , ISBN : ISBN-13: 978-90 -5972-154-8

  • Dr. SUBHA V, Job Thomas, Recent Advances in Civil Engineering, Taylor and Francis, CRC publications, UK, 2024 , ISBN : ISBN: 9781032656847 (pbk), ISBN: 9781032657271 (ebk), DOI: 10.1201/9781032657271,

  • "Use of Coir fibre as reinforcement in cement mortar" (NCRMI KERALA- 2017 -2020 , Total outlay Rs.1808000)